Curricula vitae  

In order that the reader may get a hint that we aren’t totally mad, I’d like to present here two short curricula vitae, both of Bruno and of me.

Bruno Sammaciccia 

Born in Ancona, April the 22nd, 1926. Degree in Psychology and in Psychiatry. He has been awarded four Honoris Gratia degrees, three International Academic awards, plus many cultural and theological awards (He had a trunk full of diplomas of every kind, and he couldn’t make head nor tail of it). Has been a member of many academies, both Italian and foreign ones, and of several editorial boards. Has been very active in the spreading of moral, ethic and philosophic culture. A catholic writer, he has published hundreds of papers on  related subjects, and since several years he has been writing also on foreign magazines. In order to increase his ethnological and philosophical culture, has visited many foreign countries: India, Central America, Middle East. His name has been quoted also by the Radio Vaticana (the Vatican broadcast), after some of the researches he has made in the fields of religions, magic, totem cults, myths.

In 1946 several magazines quoted the results of the researches he made following prof. Callegaris on the theory of cutaneous plaques.

Has cooperated to the cultural programs by UNESCO. In 1982 he has been awarded the title of  Man of the year for culture.

He has written some 160 books, several translated into foreign languages, among which:

-         “Religione e magia nei millenni” (Porziuncola, 1972);

-         “The Secret Man” (Murrand, 1973);

-         “O Milagre Eucarístico de Lanciano” (Mensagem de Fátima, 1973);

-         “Il miracolo eucaristico di Lanciano” (Porziuncola, 1973);

-         “Il vero Francesco d’Assisi” (Porziuncola, 1974);

-         “La course vers l’infélicité”  (Le Farté, 1975);

-         “Alla ricerca di Dio” (Porziuncola, 1976);

-         “Ho incontrato l’uomo” (Porziuncola,1976);

-         “Eucharistic Miracle” (Kuba, 1976);

-         “Le Miracle Eucharistique de Lanciano” (Ėditions du Cèdre, 1977);

-         “Trattato sulla Passiologia” (Fabiani, 1978);

-         “Il volto santo di Gesù a Manoppello” (Porziuncola, 1978);

-         “Das heilige Antlitz Jesu im Schweißtuch von Manoppello (Porziuncola, 1978);

-         “Le religioni primitive dell’Africa” (Fabiani, 1978);

-         “False Myths of to-day” (Enderson, 1978);

-         “Pedagogia scolastica” (Fabiani, 1978);

-         “Meditazioni” (G. Fagiani, 1979);

-         “Padre Domenico del Volto Santo” (G. Fagiani, 1979);

-         “Beato Roberto da Salle” (Porziuncola, 1983);

-         “Francesco, mio fratello” (Porziuncola, 1983);

-         “La scalata della follia” (Porziuncola, 1983);

-         “San Tommaso apostolo” (G. Fagiani, 1984).

He has sponsored the publication of more than 120 books about St. Francesco (for instance the first edition of his Apocripha) by the Porziuncola in Assisi; among them:

-         Marino Bigaroni, ofm: “Compilatio Assisiensis” (Porziuncola, 1975);

-         Giovanni Boccola ofm: “Opuscola sancti Francisci et scripta sanctae Clarae assisiensis” (Porziuncola, 1982);

-         Marino Bigaroni ofm: “Speculum Perfectionis” (Porziuncola, 1983);

-         Agostino Pensa, Luciano Canonici: “San Francesco, otto secoli di poesia” (Terni, 1985).

He has also been the subject of books written by journalists, or also just friends, for instance:

-         Sadi Marhaba: “La via della realtà” (Porziuncola, Italy, 1975);

-         Gaetano Tamborrino Orsini: “Bruno Sammaciccia: ventinove pensieri” (Porziuncola, Italy, 1977);

-         Gianni Lussoso: “Bruno Sammaciccia, l’amico, il mistico, l’umanista, il pensatore” (Gira, Italy, 1980).



He had asked me not to divulge his data, and I comply.


Stefano Breccia

Born July 1st, 1945; degree in Electrotechnic Engineering at the University of Bologna, specialization in Telecommunications at the Politechnic University in Torino, specialization in Computer Sciences at the CNUCE in Pisa, specialization in Computer Graphics at the ICS in London, specialization in Company Management at the SSGRR in L’Aquila; has been working since 1973 at the Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romoli (SSGRR), L’Aquila, where he has completed a full cursus honorum, working seven years as the Assistant to the Managing Director. Former external professor of Computer Sciences and Computer Graphics at the Engineering Faculty of the University of L’Aquila. Former external professor in charge of the course “Statistical Methodologies in Evaluating Training Results” at the Training Sciences Faculty of the University of L’Aquila. Former external professor in charge of the course “Algorithms for Computer Graphics” at the Engineering Faculty of L’Aquila. Has given lectures on didactical methodologies at the British Telecom training centre, on Fractal Analysis at the University of Novosibirsk and at the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moskow, on the changes in roles because of Office Automation at Stratford upon Avon, within a Diebold project, on news in CAI methodologies in Madrid, within the framework of an IFTDO project, and so on.

Now retired, he has been in charge of the project for creating a post graduate TLC school in Cordoba, Argentina. Inside the framework of an European Community PHARE project, has worked in the design of TLC schools in Bucharest, Praha and Ljubljana. Within the framework of an EC TACIS project, has cooperated in the design and in the starting operations of a post graduate TLC school in Novosibirsk.

Has been President of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro Studi ed Applicazioni sulle Tecnologie dell’Informazione” (Catania). Former member of the Board of Directors of the “Centro Internazionale per le TLC Giovanni Someda” (Venezia), member of the Board of Trustees of the “Istituto per la formazione e la promozione economica” (L’Aquila), member of the Board of Directors of the SSGRR magazine “Società dell’informazione” (former Editing Director of the same magazine), member of the CT UNINFO Commission on Learning methodologies (Torino), and the Didactical Committee of the Italian Association for Industrial Research (Roma).

In 1985, has participated, as an EC consultant, to the Steering Committee of the DELTA Project, in Bruxelles, as the responsible of “Areas of Application of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computer Based Learning”, and has participated to the DELTA Projects Selection Committee as the STET representative. Has participated, as an external consultant to the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, to the definition of curricula in Engineering universities, particularly in the area of intermediate degrees. Hardware and software designer of the synesthetic project MC4, exhibited at the 2000 edition of the SMAU, in Milan, in the area of Technology Innovation.

Has written the following books:

* Modulazione Delta Adattativa (1972, author);

* Metodologie di programmazione in FORTRAN (1982, co-author);

* Algoritmi per grafica basata su elaboratore (1988, author);

* I numeri nella storia dell’umanità (1995, author);

* Fractal: la teoria del caos (in progress - author);

* Algoritmi per Computer Graphics (2001 – author);

* Contattismi di massa (2007 – author).

and hundreds of papers and articles of specialized magazines.


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